Retail Donations

We work with Retailers, Designers, Wholesalers & Small businesses, finding creative solutions reduce waste and keep excess stock within the circular economy

Why Donate With Us?

  • Brand integrity: We respect your requirements when redistributing and reselling stock.
  • Fuss free donation: we can help organise collections.
  • CSR reporting (& Corporate tax relief - more info).
  • PR opportunities.
  • Staff engagement - Volunteer with us.

To make a donation or for more information please contact:

Brands working with us

Pop-Up Crisis

Returns Every December, jam-packed with past-season stock, imperfect pieces, and seasonal sample collections from luxury brands generously donated in past seasons by supporters including Vivienne Westwood, Wales Bonner, Tods, Burberry, Christopher Kane, Jimmy Choo, and Erdem. Founded by Anda Rowland of iconic Savile Row tailors Anderson and Sheppard, renowned British fashion editor Tom Stubbs, and supported by the Pollen estate—over £120k raised in 2023!

Other ways to get invovled

  • Reworked collaborations - demonstrating the potential of reworking, previous projects include Graduate Fashion Foundation and MsMaskie.
  • T-shirt collaborations - previous projects include unique designs by Eudon Choi and Preen by Thornton Bregazzi.
  • Co-branded production - Work with our licensing team to create crisis co-branded products, previous products include Stand for Socks x Crisis & our much loved Crisis-branded Volcano Coffee
  • Take Back Schemes and Resale - Our team can support you on setting up a take-back scheme as well as becoming your official resale marketplace partner

About Crisis

Crisis UK is the national charity for people experiencing homelessness. We help people out of homelessness and campaign for the changes needed to solve it altogether.

We have 14 unique shops in key locations across London, as well as our online charity shop, offering our supporters the opportunity to purchase quality pre-loved items including clothing, homeware, accessories, books, gifts, and treats nationwide.

Every item sold is unique and by donating items for us to sell online or in one of our shops, you are directly helping to create lives beyond homelessness.


Inspiring pre-loved finds that look good, feel good and do good.